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Engineering Design & Presentation (TCH120)

Engineering Design & Presentation (TCH120)

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Quick Overview

This course will cover essential aspects of engineering design and communication. Students will explore the significance of computer-aided design and drawing in engineering, integrate ethical considerations and regulations into design scenarios, and develop professional behaviors. Students will learn effective communication of engineering findings and various methods of data collection and analysis. Students will engage in analyzing the engineering process, practice brainstorming and critical thinking, and create or improve products while maintaining detailed engineering documentation.
Teacher-Led Course (one-time payment)   $450.00

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This course will cover essential aspects of engineering design and communication. Students will explore the significance of computer-aided design and drawing in engineering, integrate ethical considerations and regulations into design scenarios, and develop professional behaviors.  Students will learn effective communication of engineering findings and various methods of data collection and analysis. Students will engage in analyzing the engineering process, practice brainstorming and critical thinking, and create or improve products while maintaining detailed engineering documentation.

Course Outline

Unit 1: Digital Citizenship

This unit will introduce students to the essential components of web accessibility.

  • To define and identify the value of privacy.
  • To analyze the role and impact of technology on privacy.
  • To discuss various methods to manage digital footprints.
  • To investigate signs, emotional effects and legal consequences of cyberbullying.
  • To identify effective ways to prevent, deter and report cyberbullying.

Unit 2: Introduction to Digital Communications

This unit will provide students with an introduction to digital communication and graphic design elements.

  • To define digital communication.
  • To outline appropriate media to deliver digital products.
  • To understand various forms of digital communication outlets.
  • To apply and evaluate graphic design and editing concepts in digital communication.

Unit 3: Digital Privacy & Security

This unit will provide students with an overview of privacy and security as it relates to the online world.

  • To define privacy.
  • To discuss privacy laws and issues.
  • To identify methods for protecting an individual’s privacy.
  • To discuss the value of strong passwords.
  • To define security.
  • To demonstrate proper digital etiquette and knowledge of acceptable use policies when using
  • networks.
  • To discuss the need for virus detection and prevention for security.

Unit 4: Digital Media Technologies

This unit will allow students to understand the technologies in digital media and how they are used in various careers and industries.  

  • To understand what digital media is and its uses.
  • To understand how digital media is created.
  • To understand the technology used in digital media.

Unit 5: Science Explained: Engineering Design

This unit will allow students to learn about the basics of science, how hypotheses, theories and laws are used in the scientific field and how to perform a scientific inquiry.

  • To describe the parameters of science.
  • To identify and explain limitations of science.
  • To differentiate between scientific hypotheses, theories and laws.
  • To analyze scientific information and evidence using empirical evidence, logical reasoning and experimental observational testing.

Unit 6: Principles of Using Technology

This unit will provide a foundation of basic technology concepts, skills and tools.

  • To define and use basic technology terminology.
  • To select and use appropriate technology platforms and tools to complete tasks.
  • To learn and apply basic troubleshooting techniques to solve software and hardware issues.

Unit 7: Principles of Machines

This unit will allow students to learn about simple and compound machines and perform calculations related to mechanical advantage, drive ratios, work and power.

  • To explain the purpose and operations of simple and compound machines, as well as their components.
  • To perform calculations related to mechanisms and machines.

Unit 8: Principles of Force

This unit will allow students to understand and calculate force interactions and equilibrium conditions of extended structures.

  • To identify and describe forces acting on an object.
  • To differentiate between scalar and vector quantities.
  • To identify and calculate the centroid of a structural member.
  • To calculate the moment of inertia of structural members.
  • To calculate moment forces given a specified axis.
  • To identify the conditions of equilibrium.
  • To calculate static equilibrium.
  • To calculate unknown forces using equation of equilibrium.
  • To calculate external and internal forces in a statically determinate truss using translational and rotational equilibrium equations.

Unit 9: Wave Motion

This unit will investigate characteristics and applications of different types of waves.

  • To compare the characteristics of longitudinal and transverse waves.
  • To describe characteristics of sound waves.
  • To describe characteristics of electromagnetic waves.
  • To investigate reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, resonance, polarization and the Doppler effect.
  • To investigate image formation in reflection through plane mirrors and refraction through thin convex lenses.
  • To describe the applications of waves in medicine and technology.  

Unit 10: Data Analysis: Collecting Data

This unit will allow students to understand different methods of identifying and collecting data.  

  • To identify different types of data.
  • To evaluate methods of data collection.
  • To understand different aspects of effective data collection.

Unit 11: Engineering Design

This unit will demonstrate knowledge of the engineering design process through identification of the steps, creating solutions and applying the process to identified problems.

  • To identify the steps of the engineering design process.
  • To apply the steps of the engineering design process to design problems.
  • To use the engineering design process to critically think through problems and design a solution.

Unit 12: Engineering Design Practices: Goals & Objectives

This unit will identify engineering problems and create goals and objectives for realistic solutions.

  • To identify and define an engineering problem.
  • To formulate goals, objectives and requirements to solve a problem.
  • To use effective strategies to set realistic, creative engineering goals and objectives.

Unit 13: Engineering Design Practices: Design Parameters

This unit will help students understand engineering design parameters and constraints.

  • To create justifiable solutions to open-ended, real-world problems using engineering design practices and processes.
  • To determine the design parameters associated with an engineering problem such as materials, personnel, resources, funding, manufacturability, feasibility and time.
  • To establish and evaluate constraints pertaining to a problem, including health, safety, social, environmental, ethical, political, regulatory and legal.  

Unit 14: Engineering Design Practices: Finding Solutions

This unit will provide students with the opportunity to create solutions for an identified engineering problem.

  • To create justifiable solutions to engineering problems.
  • To test and evaluate proposed solutions using methods such as models, prototypes, mock-ups, simulations, critical design review, statistical analysis or experiments.
  • To observe tests and make necessary changes to enhance the performance of the design.

Unit 15: Engineering Design Practices: Testing & Evaluating

This unit will provide students with the opportunity to facilitate thought processes leading to a preferred solution for a problem.

  • To create justifiable solutions to open-ended, real-world problems using engineering design practices and processes.
  • To apply structured techniques to select and justify a preferred solution to a problem.
  • To predict performance, failure models and reliability of a design solution.

Unit 16: Tools & Equipment in Engineering Design & Problem Solving

This unit will provide students with the opportunity to understand how to properly use general scientific tools and equipment.

  • To identify and properly use essential scientific tools and equipment.
  • To accurately perform and report measurements using the International System of Units.

Unit 17: Engineering Design Methodologies

This unit will examine different methodologies throughout the engineering design process.

  • To describe the importance of brainstorming and ideation methods.
  • To use critical thinking methods to find solutions for improving or creating a product.
  • To demonstrate knowledge and thought processes of reaching project goals.

Unit 18: Design & Documentation: Engineering Design

This unit analyzes the engineering process by discussing engineering design and the seven-step design process.

  • To define engineering.
  • To identify the engineering design process.
  • To analyze the seven-step design process.

Unit 19: Communicating Findings in Engineering Design

This unit will help students understand the importance of communicating findings in engineering and practice methods used to share engineering information.

  • To describe the importance of communicating findings in engineering.
  • To communicate an investigation’s results clearly and concisely.
  • To create non-textual elements to communicate findings.

Unit 20: Basic Computer-Aided Drawing

This unit will introduce students to the basics of computer-aided drawing and create 2D sketches and engineering drawings which meet industry standards and best practices.

  • To create, save and retrieve CAD drawings in an organized way.
  • To utilize tools and features within a CAD program for an intuitive and efficient modeling process.
  • To create 2D drawings using industry-standard software.

Unit 21: Ethics in Engineering Design

This unit will identify ethical concerns and government regulations within the engineering field.

  • To examine ethical issues in engineering design.
  • To summarize government regulations involved in engineering.

Unit 22: Ethics in Advanced Engineering Design

This unit will integrate prior knowledge into examples of ethical scenarios and government regulations within engineering design.

  • To assess ethical issues in engineering.
  • To describe government regulations within the engineering field.

Unit 23: Professionalism in the Sciences: Engineering Design

This unit will explore appropriate professional behaviors including how to dress, speak and contribute to a collaborative team.

  • To demonstrate knowledge of professional standards required by business and industry.
  • To conduct oneself in a manner appropriate for the profession.
  • To prioritize tasks using time management skills.
  • To demonstrate written and oral communication in a clear, concise and effective manner.
  • To facilitate collaboration among a group to achieve positive outcomes.

Unit 24: Patents & Intellectual Property

This unit will explore importance of patents and the protection of intellectual property rights.

  • To define and discuss the practice of the intellectual property and patent law through real-world scenarios.
  • To learn how to apply for patent certification.


Additional Information

Course Length 4 Months
Prerequisites No
Course Materials No
Course Start Date

Courses Taught by a K12 Teacher

Courses with a teacher have designated start dates throughout Fall, Spring, and Summer. Full-year courses last 10 months and semester courses last 4 months. Courses are taught by teachers in K12 International Academy. For details on start dates, click here.

Teacher Assisted Yes, this course is taught by a K12 International Academy teacher. If you are looking for a teacher-supported option with additional flexibility and year-round start dates, click here to learn about the Keystone School, another K12 online private schooling option.
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To use this course, you'll need a computer with an Internet connection.  Some courses require additional free software programs, which you can download from the Internet.

Hardware and Browsers (Minimum Recommendations)

Windows OS

  • CPU: 1.8 GHz or faster processor (or equivalent)

  • RAM: 1GB of RAM

  • Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 10.0 versions or higher, Chrome 17.0 or higher

  • At this time our users are encouraged not to upgrade to Windows 10 or Edge (the new browser)


Mac OS

  • CPU: PowerPC G4 1 GHz or faster processor; Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz or faster processor

  • RAM: 1GB of RAM

  • Browser: Firefox 10.0 versions or higher, Chrome 17.0 or higher (Safari is not supported!)

Internet Connections

It is highly recommended that a broadband connection be used instead of dial up.


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