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Exploration of Artificial Intelligence (TCH102)

Exploration of Artificial Intelligence (TCH102)

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Quick Overview

This course comprehensively explores artificial intelligence, covering its foundational concepts, historical evolution, and future implications. Students explore algorithms, machine learning, deep learning, and ethical considerations in AI. Through examining real-world applications and societal impacts, students gain an understanding of the interaction between humans and AI, including its potential effects on various industries and job markets.
Teacher-Led Course (one-time payment)   $450.00

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This course comprehensively explores artificial intelligence, covering its foundational concepts, historical evolution, and future implications. Students explore algorithms, machine learning, deep learning, and ethical considerations in AI. Through examining real-world applications and societal impacts, students gain an understanding of the interaction between humans and AI, including its potential effects on various industries and job markets.

Course Outline

Getting Started

Module 1: Intro to Artificial Intelligence

This module discusses the foundational concepts and future implications of artificial intelligence.

·        Describe the history of artificial intelligence

·        Differentiate between robotics and artificial intelligence

·        Define key words related to artificial intelligence

·        Examine the Turing test and theories of singularity

·        Outline the topics that will be covered throughout this course (algorithms, machine learning, deep learning, bias and ethics, applications, and AI’s impact on the future)

Module 2: Perception and Intelligence

This module covers a comprehensive view of the history of artificial intelligence.

·        Describe the history of artificial intelligence

·        Differentiate between robotics and artificial intelligence

·        Define key words related to artificial intelligence

·        Examine the Turing test and theories of singularity

·        Outline the topics that will be covered throughout this course (algorithms, machine learning, deep learning, bias and ethics, applications, and AI’s impact on the future)

Module 3: Algorithms in AI

This module explores algorithms in artificial intelligence.

·        Define algorithm and decision tree

·        Create a basic decision tree algorithm

·        Describe how algorithms form the basis of artificial intelligence

·        Provide examples of algorithms that students interact with daily

·        Evaluate how AI and algorithms are used in the field of astronomy to find exoplanets

Module 4: Machine Learning

This module explores machine learning.

  • Define machine learning
  • Outline four drivers behind the emergence of machine learning 1) improvements in computing speed/memory, 2) transition from physically to electronically stored data, 3) easier access to data through the internet, 4) low-cost, high resolution digital sensors
  • Describe how training data is acquired and used
  • Compare supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning
  • Evaluate the use of AI and machine learning to generate movie and music recommendations

Module 5: Deep Learning & Neural Networks

This module provides an introduction to deep learning and neural networks.

·        Define deep learning

·        Explain the components of a neural network

·        Differentiate between deep learning and machine learning

·        Describe how deep learning will affect society and the economy

·        Evaluate how AI and deep learning is used to operate self-driving cars

Module 6: Humans and AI

This module covers the ways in which humans interact with artificial intelligence.

  • Describe the ways in which humans interact with AI through interfaces and robotics
  • Define design thinking and explained how it relates to AI
  • Outline ways that AI can be used for social good
  • Discuss the limitations of current AI technology
  • Evaluate the use of AI in personal assistants, chatbots, and language translators

Module 7: Ethical AI and Biases

This module covers the biases and ethics of artificial intelligence.

  • Describe ethical challenges that AI presents and defined what ethical criteria AI systems should be required to meet
  • Identify and outlined areas where AI could be used in harmful ways such as mass surveillance and contribute to a loss of privacy
  • Discuss the cause and problems of biased AI systems
  • Describe how the lack of diversity in programming and AI jobs can impact and perpetuate bias
  • Evaluate the uses of AI in the U.S. criminal justice system in places like policing applications, and sentencing/parole decisions

Module 8: AI and Jobs

This module discusses the role of artificial intelligence in jobs.

  • Compare the potential for both job destruction and job creation through AI
  • Describe how AI will impact all jobs across the economy and how people will work together with AI in future jobs
  • List the skills and educational requirements necessary to have a career in an AI field
  • Examine career possibilities in the field of Artificial Intelligence
  • Evaluate the use of AI in healthcare diagnostics and analyze the effects it will have on future jobs in healthcare

Finishing Your Course

This module consists of a two-part final exam.

  • Complete the final exam


Additional Information

Course Length 4 Months
Prerequisites No
Course Materials No
Course Start Date

Courses Taught by a K12 Teacher

Courses with a teacher have designated start dates throughout Fall, Spring, and Summer. Full-year courses last 10 months and semester courses last 4 months. Courses are taught by teachers in K12 International Academy. For details on start dates, click here.

Teacher Assisted Yes, this course is taught by a K12 International Academy teacher. If you are looking for a teacher-supported option with additional flexibility and year-round start dates, click here to learn about the Keystone School, another K12 online private schooling option.
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To use this course, you'll need a computer with an Internet connection.  Some courses require additional free software programs, which you can download from the Internet.

Hardware and Browsers (Minimum Recommendations)

Windows OS

  • CPU: 1.8 GHz or faster processor (or equivalent)

  • RAM: 1GB of RAM

  • Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher, Mozilla Firefox 10.0 versions or higher, Chrome 17.0 or higher

  • At this time our users are encouraged not to upgrade to Windows 10 or Edge (the new browser)


Mac OS

  • CPU: PowerPC G4 1 GHz or faster processor; Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz or faster processor

  • RAM: 1GB of RAM

  • Browser: Firefox 10.0 versions or higher, Chrome 17.0 or higher (Safari is not supported!)

Internet Connections

It is highly recommended that a broadband connection be used instead of dial up.


By requesting this information, you agree to have a K12 or school representative contact you directly at the number provided, whether by person or a device that will automatically dial your home or cell phone. Consent not required for purchases.

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